Corporate evaluations
UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Service contributes to the oversight of UN Women’s work through its programme of evaluations, notably its series of strategic evaluations. These provide impartial, independent overviews of key areas of UN Women’s work with a view to promoting accountability, learning and performance improvement. The reports of these evaluations are all published, contributing to UN Women’s transparen;eacy and accountability as well as to global knowledge.
The Corporate Evaluation Plan, which was approved by the Executive Director and presented to the Executive Board, outlines the corporate evaluations to be managed by the Independent Evaluation Office in the period 2022–2025. The purpose of the plan is to provide a coherent framework within which useful evaluation evidence is generated systematically on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and, as far as possible, impact and sustainability, of work under the UN Women Strategic Plan. The eventual goal of these evaluations is to support UN Women’s mission and help the organization better achieve gender equality and women empowerment.
As of today, the following corporate evaluations have been managed by the Independent Evaluation Service:
- Meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations on advocacy and communications
- Corporate formative evaluation of UN Women’s support for capacity development of partners to respond to the needs of women and girls at national level
- Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to women’s economic empowerment by advancing gender-responsive laws, frameworks, policies, and partnerships
- Corporate evaluation on UN Women’s policy advocacy work
- Evidence and lessons on types of UN Women support: A meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations
- Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women
- Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s approach to innovation
- Effectiveness and efficiency assessment of UN Women flagship programme initiatives and thematic priorities of the Strategic Plan 2018–2021
- Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s support to National Action Plans on women, peace, and security
- Insights on organizational effectiveness and efficiency: A meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations
- Pocket tool for managing evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to humanitarian action
- Meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations 2017/2018
- Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to governance and national planning
- Reflections on change: Meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 2017
- Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to women’s political participation and leadership: Synthesis report
- A unique view of the bigger picture: A meta-analysis of UN Women evaluations in 2016
- Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s strategic partnerships for gender equality and the empowerment of women
- Strengthening organizational structure for delivering gender equality results: Corporate evaluation of the regional architecture of UN Women
- What can we learn from UN Women evaluations? A meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 2014 and 2015
- Coordinating for gender equality results: Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to UN system coordination on gender equality and the empowerment of women
- What can we learn from UN Women evaluations? A meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 2014
- Evaluation of UN Women’s normative support work and its operational linkages
- Review of corporate gender equality evaluations in the United Nations system
- Review of policies and practices to promote gender-responsive evaluation systems
- Evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to women’s economic empowerment
- Joint evaluation of joint programmes on gender equality in the United Nations system
- Evaluation on the contribution of UN Women to increasing women’s leadership and participation to peace and security and humanitarian response
- Evaluation on the contribution of UN Women to prevent violence against women and expand access to services