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Every day after school, 30 girls meet at the Olympic Vila of Mangueira—one of 22 public spaces with free sports facilities managed by the municipality in the north of Rio de Janeiro— to play basketball.
Thaiza Vitória da Silva is a 15-year-old handball player from Anchieta, a neighbourhood in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Take our five-question quiz to learn some fun facts about women and the Olympics and share your newfound knowledge with others as you watch the Games this year!
Through scenes of daily life in the Gado-Badzere and Ngam refugee camps in Cameroon, here is a showcase of the lives of women in the camp, their social and community bonds, and how they are using UN Women’s safe spaces, psychosocial support and business trainings.
Burundi’s ongoing political turmoil has caused hundreds of thousands to flee their homes and seek shelter in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). At the Lusenda refugee camp, which is home to more than 16,000 refugees, the majority are women and girls. Hundreds of refugees have come to the Safe Haven multipurpose centres for protection and economic and social empowerment, established by UN Women . Here’s a glimpse into daily life at the camp and the centres.
On 13 March, 2015 Vanuatu was hit by Category Five Cyclone Pam, the worst disaster in the island nation’s recent history. More than half the population (of more than 860,000) was affected and around 96 per cent of crops were destroyed, leaving many women without food or produce to sell, which was their only source of income. In the months following the cyclone, a prolonged El Niño-fueled drought prevented replanting, causing months of crop failure, food insecurity and the decimation of the livelihoods of market vendors, majority women.
To the world they are known as “refugees”. Nameless, faceless, all the same. But each of them have a different story to tell, of their lives, who they lost, and how got here.
Today we face a global humanitarian challenge. From Syria's ongoing conflict to Nepal's post-earthquake recovery and West Africa's Ebola epidemic, human suffering has reached alarming levels, with women and girls being disproportionately affected. Yet, when it comes to humanitarian assistance, gender equality is not prioritized.
On 25 April 2015 everything changed for Bishnu Maya Dangal and her husband when a massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal. The Dangal family home was completely destroyed, leaving behind a pile of rubble. With the help of a multi-purpose women’s centre, supported by UN Women and in coordination with the Government of Nepal, the couple is managing—for now.
Teachers, farmers, businesswomen, politicians, mothers, law enforcers — women and girls contribute every day in many visible and invisible ways. Here’s a glimpse into their lives.
Throughout history, women have made extraordinary contributions to their societies. Some are well known, some less so, but all have been trail blazers. Explore a small selection of these women and learn what the reality still is today for many women and girls worldwide.
From the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action to the historic adoption of the sustainable development goals, Nigeria banning female genital mutilation and Ireland legalizing same-sex marriage by popular vote, this timeline is a selection of some of the gender equality achievements, milestones and noteworthy moments from around the world this year.
Are you more in line with Malala or Mafalda? Take the test on our new app to identify your own inner activist. Which women’s rights pioneer will you most resemble?
Women are entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of all of their human rights and to be free from all forms of discrimination. Yet, discrimination against women persists in many areas, directly and indirectly, through laws and policies, social norms and practices and gender-based stereotypes. Gender equality before the law does not necessarily mean that women in practice have equal opportunities. This infographic takes a closer look at the various forms of discrimination women face.
You could go to a film, switch on the TV, tune in to the radio, turn the pages of a magazine, or surf online. Regardless of your choice of media, you’d have a good chance of encountering stereotypes that perpetuate gender discrimination. This infographic is a snapshot of gender inequality in the media.
Think you know about violence against women? Test your knowledge by taking our short quiz!
One in three women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence — mostly by an intimate partner. Whether at home, on the streets or during war, violence against women is a global pandemic that takes place in public and private spaces. Together we can and must end this pandemic.
Women and girls bear the brunt of many of the harmful consequences of armed violence. In the last two decades, the use of violence against women and girls during conflicts, and especially sexual violence, has become more visible. But aside from increased sexual violence, conflict exacerbates many inequalities that can last well after a war ends. Here are just a few examples.
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of landmark UN Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), we take a look back at some of the key moments in global peace and security.
1 October is International Day of Older Persons. Let's transform pension systems to protect women's income security in old age. For more on this topic, visit