Results and impact

Farmer supported by the grantee Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon. Photo: UN Women/Joe Saade and Ghinwa Daher.
In every region of the world, grantees assisted by the Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) have achieved results in giving women better protections under the law, more voice in political decision-making, greater access to the tools and skills to make a living, and stronger abilities to claim their rights.
An independent evaluation found that, in expanding the scope for women’s political and economic participation, the FGE transforms the social norms that define gender relations. Longstanding beliefs that women cannot lead or generate wealth have fallen as women prove their aptitude in these and many other arenas. Some of the most powerful impacts have been in local communities, including where women have formed their own groups to work collectively in a sustained drive to realize their rights and well-being.
For more on the Fund’s results, refer to the Materials section, with links to our annual reports and impact stories.
Examples of results between 2014 and 2018 include:
Political empowerment:
- 640 laws and policies adopted, and 8 reformed, as a result of programme interventions recognizing and promoting gender equality and/or women’s rights
- 930 legislative and policy recommendations proposed in public governance forums
- 1,200 consultation spaces created to influence decision-making, with 91,104 women participating to influence policies
- 56,300 women trained on leadership, communications, and advocacy
- 145 women trained were subsequently elected to national or local public decision-making bodies
- 6,900 women achieved leadership positions in institutions that affect their lives
- 78,000 women took action to claim their rights as a result of FGE interventions
Economic empowerment:
- 28,200 women increased their incomes thanks to creation of sustainable livelihood activities and access to markets
- 7,400 women reporting increased control over decision-making around household resources
- 62,900 women gained technical and vocational skills
- 740 new economic collective structures were created
- 14,200 women accessed productive resources (land, credit, natural resources)
Overall achievements:
- 772,600 indirect beneficiaries sensitized on gender issues and women’s rights through workshops, events, and campaigns
- 20,200 men engaged as allies
- 741 networks created or supported; 607 organizations joined networks
- 30,500 women gained literacy skills
- 27,300 beneficiaries attained increased access to health care and education
- 4,900 women benefitted from social protection measures
- 38,700 women accessed legal assistance
Featured publication
Fund for Gender Equality annual report 2018–2019
Supported by photos, data, infographics, and individual stories of impact, UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) annual report presents main aggregated results achieved by its 25 active projects. It highlights the process and outcomes of its fourth grant-making cycle, 2018–2019, a scaling and innovation initiative. The report also features FGE’s South-South and triangular cooperation strategy, a few impact news from past projects, and two grantee partners’ op-eds. More